Advisory Assembly Position Descriptions

TITLE: Committee for SLP Public Schools
REPORTS TO: Executive Board Liaison – VP for SLP-Public Schools
PURPOSE: To support and represent public school personnel affiliated with the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA) including Speech/Language Pathologists, Teachers of the Hearing Impaired, Educational Audiologists, Supervisors of Speech-Language-Hearing Services and other educational personnel. The Public School Committee (PSC) monitors and responds to issues affecting the provision of services in the public schools. In addition, the PSC encourages and celebrates excellence in public school programs through the conferring of awards.

COMMITTEE COMPOSITION: Any active or lifetime member of MSHA  currently working or who has formerly worked in the public school setting who is a speech-language pathologist or audiologist within the State of Michigan may serve on this committee. Student members are welcome. The committee is comprised of a steering committee which coordinates overall committee activity with input from various subcommittees and representatives (i.e, members of PSC who have volunteered to attend meetings of other professional organizations/groups or other MSHA committees) as well as adhoc committees as appointed by the PSC Committee Chair.

SUBCOMMITTEES: The PSC has established the following standing subcommittees:
School Program of the Year Reviews programs nominated for honors.
Guidelines and Standards Maintains the standards for the delivery of speech-language services in the Michigan public schools by reviewing/revising these guidelines as needed.
Professional Issues Addresses issues arising which are brought forward by members such as work load, legislative initiatives, dysphagia treatment of children, English Language Learners, literacy, alternate assessments/standards and salary supplements.
Recruitment/Public Relations Provides information to both the public and prospective students about the career of the SLP in the school setting.

ADHOC COMMITTEES:  Adhoc committees are formed by the Committee Chair as needed for specific purposes.

Ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Professional Services prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings.
Maintain, lead, and organize subcommittees for the ongoing revision of the speech and language guidelines.
The committee shall identify MSHA Liaison(s) for ASHA’s SEAL.
Submit suggestions for presenters at the annual MSHA Conference and assist the VP for Programs in making initial contact with potential presenters as appropriate.
The committee is responsible for the Program of the Year award:  it shall determine if there are eligible honorees and identify the recipients
Submit recommendations and applications to the Executive Board for specific ASHA awards
Plan and run the Public School Forum held at the MSHA Annual Conference:    
     -Determine agenda
     -Solicit and schedule presenters as needed for the forum
     -Compile handouts
     -Solicit financial sponsorship in connection with the Public School Forum luncheon.
     -Send thank you notes to any Public School Forum luncheon financial sponsor upon completion of the conference. 

TITLE: Committee for SLP-Healthcare
REPORTS TO: Executive Board Liaison – VP for SLP-Healthcare
PURPOSE: To support and represent meet the needs of speech-language pathologist or audiologist members working in a community, private practice, health care or medical setting. affiliated with the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA). The Community and Hospital Services Committee (CHS) monitors and responds to issues affecting the provision of services in these settings. In addition, the CHS committee encourages and celebrates excellence in these settings through the conferring of awards.

COMMITTEE COMPOSITION: Any active or lifetime member of MSHA who has worked or is working in a community, private practice, health care or medical setting who is a speech-language pathologist or audiologist within the State of Michigan may serve on this committee.

Ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Professional Services   prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings.
The committee is responsible for the Clinical Service award:  it shall determine if there are eligible honorees and identify the recipients.
The committee shall make necessary revisions and amendments to the guidelines covering the Clinical Service Award.
Submit recommendations and applications to the Executive Board for specific ASHA awards.
The committee shall identify MSHA Liaison (s) in the areas of reimbursement.  These will include but not be limited to Medicare, Medicaid and Blue-Cross Blue Shield.
The committee shall identify MSHA Liaison(s) for the other reimbursement and scope of practice networks including, but not limited to STARS and MIC/SMAC.
The committee shall identify regional SLP and AUD organizations, such as Medical Speech and Hearing Managers (MSHM,) that serve the community, private practice, health care or medical settings and attempt to increase both communication and their participation in MSHA concerns.
The committee shall continue to communicate with related professional organizations that  serve the community, private practice, health care or medical settings,  such as Michigan Physical Therapy Association
The committee will continue to support professionals interested in and or practicing in the area of augmentative and alternative communication:  the AAC subcommittee, when active, will report to the CHS chair.
Plan and run the Medical SLP Forum held at the MSHA Annual Conference           
           - Determine agenda
           - Solicit and schedule presenters as needed for the forum
           - Compile handouts
           - Solicit financial sponsorship in connection with the Medical SLP Forumluncheon.
           - Send thank you notes to Medical SLP Forum luncheon financial sponsor upon completion of the conference.

TITLE: Committee for Student Affairs
REPORTS TO: Executive Board Liaison – VP for Membership
PURPOSE:  To support and represent meet the needs of students of speech-language pathology or audiology affiliated with the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA). The Student Affairs committee monitors and responds to issues students in the field.

COMMITTEE COMPOSITION: Any active student member of MSHA who is enrolled in a professional training program in speech-language pathology or audiology within the State of Michigan may serve on this committee. It is recommended that each university training program be invited to select a member for service on this committee. It is also recommended that the committee consist of at least 3 student members and one active professional member (as mentor) interested in development of future leaders for the Association.

Solicit and provide written documentation of all feedback, suggestions or concerns  to the Executive Board for consideration in developing policies, procedures or regulations affecting student members. 
The committee shall promote submission of nominations/applications to the scholarship committee of the MSHF on an annual basis.
The Student Affairs committee shall solicit student volunteers for the MSHA Annual Conference.
The committee shall develop and coordinate networking activities for student members attending the MSHA annual conference.
Maintain written minutes of all meetings of the committee, which will be sent to the MSHA office
Provide a written summary of all business conducted by the committee to its designated Executive Board Liaison after each meeting of the committee.
Ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Membership prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings. 

TITLE: Committee for Audiology 
REPORTS TO : Executive Board Liaison – VP for Audiology Practice
PURPOSE:  To support and represent meet the needs of audiologists affiliated with the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA). The audiology committee monitors and responds to issues affecting the provision of audiology services.

Any active or lifetime member of MSHA who is licensed as an audiologist within the State of Michigan may serve on this committee.

OBLIGATIONS:Ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Professional Services prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings. 

TITLE: Committee on Ethics
REPORTS TO: Executive Board Liaison – Past-President
PURPOSE: To facilitate the flow of information and concerns to Standards and Ethics in the practice of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology in the state of Michigan, to bring issues of concern to the Executive Board for discussion and possible action, and to serve as a Standards and Ethics resource to the MSHA membership and community at large.

Any active or lifetime member of MSHA who is licensed as an audiologist or a speech-language pathologist within the State of Michigan who also maintains ASHA certification.

OBLIGATIONS: Promote and support the ethical provision of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology services within the state of Michigan.
Attend committee meetings and lead discussion on issues of current concern at Executive Board meetings on request of Board
Organize, schedule and preside at all Standards and Ethics Committee Meetings
Maintain committee meeting minutes and send copy to MSHA office.
Respond to questions and concerns of membership relating to Standards and Ethics
Provide documentation/reports detailing ethical violations or concerns as necessary.
Communicate with the membership via articles published in newsletter.
Participate in additional sub-committees as necessary and appropriate
Submit annual budget requests and manage funds allocated for areas of responsibility
Ensure that the committee report is completed and forwarded to the Past President prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings. 

TITLE: Committee Professional Development and Education
REPORTS TO: Executive Board Liaison – VP for Professional Development and Education
PURPOSE: Facilitates the continuing education unit (CEU) process for MSHA membership, facilitates flow of information and concerns relating to continuing education, brings forth issues of concern relating to continuing education to the Executive Board for discussion and possible action, and serves as a resource to MSHA membership in all matters relating to continuing education.

Any active or lifetime member with knowledge of and/or interest in the continuing education process.
Serve as the official CEU Administrator and Liaison between MSHA, ASHA, and State Board of Education in all matters pertaining to CEU’s.?In conjunction with MSHA office staff, complete documentation to ASHA for CEU’s for MSHA-sponsored activities, co-sponsored events, and independent studies.
Complete re-application for ASHA CEU sponsorship every four years.
Complete documentation required for State Board of Education CEU’s for the MSHA Annual Conference
Periodically review ASHA and State Board of Education guidelines and procedures regarding CEU’s
Report updates on activities and concerns related to continuing education to MSHA Executive Board
Respond to questions and concerns of the membership relating to continuing education.
Communicate with the membership via articles published in the newsletter.
Submit annual budget requests and manage funds allocated for areas of responsibility.
Participate on additional subcommittees as needed and appropriate.
Attend the Annual Conference and be available to the membership to respond to questions regarding CEU’s. 

TITLE:  Program Committee
REPORTS TO:  Vice President for Professional Development and Education
COMMITTEE COMPOSITION:  Any active or lifetime member of MSHA with expertise and/or interest in continuing education.

To work with the Vice-President for Professional Development and Education to identify speakers for the Annual Conference
To assist the VP for Professional Development and Education to schedule, coordinate and plan all activities related to the MSHA Annual Conference
To generate new and innovative ideas for continuing education
Ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Professional Development and Education.

TITLE: Committee for Communications and Networking
REPORTS TO: Executive Board Liaison – VP for Public Relations
PURPOSE: To serve as a part of the Advisory Assembly of the Michigan Speech-Language- Hearing Association, in order to develop and carryout practices and procedures that foster communication among members and others with an interest in our activities through the website, blogs, and other means of social networking and online forums

Any active or lifetime member of MSHA who has interest and skill or willingness to learn skills related to this position

To develop various means of communication to keep communications active on a regular and frequent basis
Ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Public Relations prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings.

TITLE: Committee for Public Relations
REPORTS TO: Executive Board Liaison – VP for Public Relations
PURPOSE:  To develop and carryout an ongoing marketing plan to promote the association, its mission, its members, and the persons our professionals serve.

Any active or lifetime member of MSHA interested in marketing and public relations.

To develop carryout public relations activities
Ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Public Relations prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings.

TITLE:  Finance Committee                   
REPORTS TO:    Treasurer

COMMITTEE COMPOSITION:  Any active or lifetime member of MSHA.

To assist the Treasurer in developing a budget
To assist the Treasurer in identifying financial trends and anticipating barriers to meeting the annual budget
To provide input to the Treasurer regarding Annual Conference financial planning
To explaining financial reports to the Executive board in the absence of the Treasurer
To assist in preparation of financial reports for Executive Board/Advisory Assembly meetings
To ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the Treasurer prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings. 

TITLE:  Advocacy Committee
REPORTS TO:  VP for Advocacy
COMMITTEE COMPOSITION:  Any active or lifetime member of MSHA.

To assist the Vice- President for Legislation in delegated tasks
To serve as liaison to related professional organizations, at the request of the Vice-President for Legislation
To identify and prioritize issues for legislative action
To assist in preparation of Committee Reports
To ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Legislation prior to all scheduled Executive board meetings.

TITLE: Regional Members-At-Large and Student Member-at-LargeProvide communications and input from members in the representative’s region
Support and advance MSHA’s goal of increase SLP and Audiology membership in MSHA
Participate in selected ad hoc committee meetings?Ensure that the Liaison Report Form is completed and forwarded to the President-Elect prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings.
Ensure that the Committee Report Form is completed and forwarded to the VP for Professional Services prior to all scheduled Executive Board meetings.

TITLE:  Michigan reps/MSHA Appointees to state or national committees as ad hoc members without voting privileges (e.g., ASHA LC liaison)